

Our beginings: We first met as a writers' group in 2018, and came up with the idea of writing stories on a common theme. That’s how the Water Anthology came up. Eventually we decided to create a journal of literature, poetry and art. Considering that emerging writers find it very difficult to get published, we decided to create this 'no-fee' journal, with a vision to promote good writing.



There are three of us. Get to know about us here. Our editors are published authors and have sound experience in writing and editing.

Shashi Kadapa, Managing Editor: Shashi comes with experience in the auto and IT industry, while fiction remains his obsession. A few years back, he switched to business writing, knowledge management, and fiction. His stories have been published in a number of anthologies. Check out the list here. He likes heavy metal, Sci-fi, horror, finely crafted stories, and hates stuff that drags on.

Savita Narayan, Fiction Editor: Savita travels extensively, and explores the diversity of Indian history. She co-authored a book Navagraha Temples of Tamil Nadu - Kaveri Delta She has published articles in the Heritage India magazine, MoneyLife, and has edited a number of books. Her interests are Indian history, temple architecture, songs, and worship. Check out her Blog here

Chaitali Gawade, Poetry Editor: Chaitali is a dreamer who lives in the fictional world of her creations, whenever she can get away from real life. A Pushcart nominee, her poetry has been published by Unbroken Journal, Vagabondage Press, and The Wagon Magazine among others. Check out more of her writerly musings here



Our Blogs!!

Do read our Editors' Blogs:

  1. Shashi blogs and speaks on various literary and tech issues.
  2. Savita blogs on Women in Ancient India with a focus on writers and rulers.
  3. Chaitali blogs and speaks on poetry and literary issues.
  4. Do visit the Opportunities to see publications that accept fiction.